5Points Creative

The Ultimate CRM Guide

Want to navigate how to successfully choose and implement a CRM system for your business?  

Using a CRM system is an essential tool for any business looking to thrive in today's market. With 5Points Creative's CRM Guidebook, you can discover the power that comes from having key customer and prospect information stored in one central place – ultimately leading your organization toward greater success! Learn why implementing  a CRM system will open up new opportunities for growth on both sides of the consumer/business relationship equation.

  • What a CRM system is and key benefits for your business
    • Finding the right CRM system to fit your needs
      • How to create a CRM strategy
        • Best practices for implementing a CRM system

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By reading this guide you will learn:

Gain a better understanding of how to create a successful CRM strategy to implement growth in your company and customer relations. You will do this through the implementation of:

  • What a CRM system is and key benefits for your business 
  • Finding the right CRM system to fit your needs 
  • How to create a CRM strategy
  • Best practices for implementing a CRM system
  • Plus much more



Is this really free?


Our company doesn't currently have a CRM. Where do we start?

The first place to start is to identify what features, requirements, and integrations are most important to you organization that will fit your needs and goals. We include a worksheet in the guide to help you get started!

We already have a CRM but are considering making a switch. Will this guide help?

Yes! If you are starting from the beginning or making a switch to a different CRM system that will fit your organization better, this guide will outline how to choose and implement your new CRM.

Does 5Points Creative offering CRM services?

We are proud partners of Constant Contact CRM and Lead Gen, the platform that helps you get more out of your sales and marketing efforts with less time spent on tedious tasks. Our team can help with all aspects from setup to implementation. Schedule your free 30-minute demo!


More about this CRM book offer:

Get access to free workbooks and checklists for choosing and implementing a CRM in you organization.