

With the Covid pandemic & associated WFH phenomenon, the Russia/Ukraine conflict and threats from foreign hackers, organisations are under increasing pressure to get their IT security in check. Do you know how your organisation’s IT security stacks up? Take our free cyber security assessment and receive a tailored report with a benchmark score and tips for improvement.  

Take the free cyber security assessment

Why does my organisation need an IT security assessment?

Increased reliance on technology and more sophisticated cyber criminals raise the risk for cyber attacks. At IT Smart Solutions, we’ve seen how cyber attacks can cripple a business, from reputation loss and loss of customer trust to confidential data being stolen and exploited. We want to help organisations to identify and take proactive steps to minimise their risks – starting by taking our cyber security maturity assessment questionnaire. 

Our free cyber security assessment is based on the  Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)  Essential 8. The ACSC Essential 8 are security essentials that help organisations to protect themselves against various cyber threats. We divide the ASCC Essential 8 into three key focus areas covering prevention of malicious damage, reduction of risk factors, and preparation for potential data loss. 

 What does it include? 


20 questions evolving around IT security regulatory compliance, network security IT and security essentials


A bespoke report with a benchmark score so you can gauge whether your organisation's security posture is above or below average in relation to other Australian SMBs


Personalised tips for improvement around malware delivery and execution, limitation of cyber security, and data recovery and system availability

Take the first step towards becoming a more secure organisation!

Leave security essentials to us while you focus on your business goals

Don’t wait for a cyber attack before you act! If this assessment raises questions and uncertainty around your IT security coverage, IT Smart Solutions can help. 

Lack of time, resources and budget can make it hard for any organisation to stay on top of security essentials. At IT Smart Solutions, we have almost 20 years’ experience in offering IT support across day-to-day maintenance, Backup & DR, Cloud migration and IT security.

Our Smart Security package uses the ACSC Essential 8 framework to help mitigate cyber security incidents. Highly flexible and scalable, it uses the tools already existing in your Microsoft 365 to help you achieve:

  • Increased productivity with enterprise mobility & security features 
  • Improved Information protection
  • Reliable backup of all Microsoft 365 data
  • Stronger defence with Enterprise Anti Virus



Hear it from the experts

Ignorance is no excuse when it comes to data security. The customers that take it seriously and work with us to implement our Smart Security package, built around the government Essential Eight recommended framework, can have confidence their business is protected against cyber threats. Undertaking our free cyber security assessment will give you a baseline of where you are on your journey with helpful tips on what you can do to improve your security posture. 

Steve Ranson, CEO, IT Smart Solutions
