0800 262 733        customersupport@crv4all.co.nz


AB Technician Training Application Form

For those interested in becoming a commercial AB Technician  

Application Process:

1. Completion of an application form is not a guarantee that you will receive a place at a CRV AB Training Course.

2. We will not be accepting applications after 20th Dec 2024 due to high volume of interest and limited training spaces. Subsequent applications will be entered into a next in line system. 

3. You will be contacted by CRV in due course on the result of your application. Further information may be requested before your application is accepted.

4. If necessary, you may be required to attend a course outside of your preferred area.

5. If your application is successful, payment for the course is required within 7 days of receiving an invoice from CRV. Payment may be made by internet banking, Visa, Mastercard or charged to a current CRV account.

6. Prices are subject to change.
