
Request a Complementary Security Assessment


Take the necessary steps to fortify your IGA security, AD security and M365 security. Uncover vulnerabilities and implement tailored solutions to mitigate risks effectively. Don't wait for a breach to happen. Take action now to unleash the power of a comprehensive security framework.

Take our Complementary Assessments to boost your Security Now! 
  • Secure Your Organization's User Identity Lifecycle Effortlessly and Accurately with the IGA Assessment.

Actionable Insights to gain visibility and complete control on your Identity Governance and Administration: Real-Time Attestation, Dynamic Role Management, Automated Account Administration, and Continuous Monitoring and Analytics to reduce the risks associated with unauthorized access and data breaches.

  • Strengthen Active Directory with AD Hygiene Assessment

Actionable Insights to Optimize your AD Security: Identify vulnerabilities, eliminate dormant accounts, control access permissions, and streamline user management for enhanced protection.

*Complementary assessments are offered only to qualified customers.