In the United States, the relevance of the Lanham Act on trademarks matters outside the US will continue to play out in 2023 as it did in 2022. Equally eagerly expected is the development of trademark disputes pitting the virtual world of the metaverse with the legal reality of NFT litigation in court.
For the next two months, our experienced research team will analyse and rank the leading IP law firms specialising in high value trademark advice for leading clients in the United States. The results will be released in a separate rankings publications in May, which will also feature insights from industry leaders.
Would you like to be considered for inclusion in our Trademark Rankings USA 2023 special edition?
The law firms and lawyers who will be successful in our rankings are likely to be those who are considered to be best placed to help the most significant clients to navigate their most important trademarks work through these legislative and other developments.
If you would like to be considered for inclusion in our Trademark Rankings USA 2023 special edition, please complete the form on your right and we'll send you the necessary documents to complete your submission. You can also send existing submissions and client referee sheets prepared for other publications that give an up-to-date assessment of your firm's practice.
Don't delay, submissions close on March 29, 2023 and the publication will be released in May 2023.
Request to be included in this special edition by completing the form on the right >>
For further information on the Trademark Rankings USA 2023 special edition please contact:
Baron Armah-Kwantreng
Rankings Editor
World IP Review Insights
Tel: +44 (0)203 301 8226
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