The video game industry had an incredible $24 billion in sales last year! In addition, the average gamer will spend almost 10,000 hours playing video games before the age of 21.
So, what is all that gaming doing to our children's brains? And beyond that, how are video games affecting gamers when they are all grown up? After all, the average gamer is 30 years old.
The next time you want to play a game, think about your brain. Spend a few minutes working on Neurotiming® and you will be pleasantly surprised at the results. There is always time for Call of Duty®, your brain is calling now.
A study by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine showed that video games improved:
1. Psychological therapy outcomes (69%)
2. Physical therapy outcomes (59%)
3. Physical activity outcomes (50%)
4. Clinician skills outcomes (46%)
5. Pain distraction outcomes (42%)
6. Health education outcomes (42%)
7. Disease self-management outcomes (37%)"