CFE Media is an expert on how to market to engineers and educates its marketing partners about the engineering community’s content consumption needs better than any B2B media group in the market. It's no surprise that engineers have their quirks and preferences, some of which make them difficult to market to. To help alleviate some of the complexity, we've put together a series of eBooks that can help you navigate the engineering waters and improve your marketing efforts.
Marketing to Engineers® with Your Website
With research from more than 9,000 engineers, our first of a series
eBooks takes you through the best ways to market to engineers with
your website.
-Stay Up to Date: 75% of engineers are more likely to do business
with companies that regularly produce new and current content.
-Format for the People: Over 80% of engineers prefer PDF
to other downloadable document types.
-It's Not You: It's your website. Over half of engineer surveyed
said they might not do business with a company whose website is poorly
Marketing to Engineers® with Your Emails
Our clients have expressed how the Marketing to Engineers® research has helped them improve their email and enewsletter value.
In part two of our eBook series, check out some helpful hints about
how you too can capture the attention of engineers with your emails.
-Stay on Target: Segmented and targeted emails to generate 58%
of all revenue according to research from DMA.
-Get to the Point: 84% of engineers identified quick bulleted
facts as the most attractive content in enewsletters.
-Stay Relevant: Provide unique, focused, and valuable content
sought by engineers. There is often a difference between what your
marketing team wants to say, and what engineers want to hear.
Marketing to Engineers® with Demand-Gen Content Throughout
the Buyer's Journey
Smart marketers know that generating leads requires a host of tools
– webinars, email campaigns, white papers, and more. After all, effective
marketing is never a one-size-fits-all strategy. They also know that
not all leads are good leads, and not all good leads are necessarily
ready to buy. So, keeping those top prospects engaged is as important
as acquiring them in the first place.
In this eBook, we’ll explore a variety of lead generation and lead
nurturing tactics to determine the most effective methods for not
just engaging engineers, but keeping them engaged throughout an oftentimes
complex and lengthy buying cycle.
Marketing to Engineers® with Social Media
Social media permeates people’s lives—at work as well as at home—like
never before, and savvy marketers know that a sound social media
strategy is a key element in a successful integrated marketing program.
In this eBook, we’ll shed light on some of the ways engineers use social
media and identify the best ways to connect across various social
media platforms.
Marketing to Engineers® with Trade Shows and Events
Trade shows have been around for decades, and because of that, some
marketers consider them passé and not an especially effective marketing
tool. But smart B2B marketers know that live events are still one
of their best marketing resources for making face-to-face connections
and solidifying relationships with customers and prospects. Six reasons
to believe:
#1 Digital marketing is important, but it can’t do everything.
#2 Tech has become part of the DNA of trade shows.
#3 Trade shows tick all the boxes on marketers' goals.
#4 Measuring value is easier than in the past.
#5 Trade shows provide a “big picture” of an industry.
#6 Trade shows build team cohesion.
Marketing to Engineers® Content Needs, Social Media Usage,
and Supplier Relations
As a supplier to the industry, developing productive relationships
with customers and prospects has never been easier than it is today.
It has also never come with more challenges.
The easy bit: You have more access to content and means for
communication than ever before.
The hard bit: Your customers and prospects have more access
to content and means for communication – with you and your competition
– than ever before.
The importance of understanding the needs and habits of customers has never been more critical.
Marketing to Engineers® with In-person and Online Continuing
Education Opportunities
Continuing education is a vital component in a broad array of professions,
and the field of engineering is certainly no exception. What's more,
few professional fields can match engineering's pace of change, with
product innovations and current best practices evolving on virtually
a daily basis.
Continuing education is an important and growing concern for many of
today's engineers.
Marketing to Engineers® The Buying & Specification Center: Supplier Needs, Process Flow, and Wants
Many B2B sellers think their customers are so well-informed and clear about their needs that they fail to engage those customers until the purchasing process is virtually complete. But while customers may be better informed than ever before, they're still highly concerned that they might make a mistake with a critical purchase decision. As such, it should come as no surprise that buying complex solutions, such as manufacturing equipment, involves a wealth of data and a growing roster of vested stakeholders from a diverse range of roles, responsibilities, and departments.